Travel and Curiosities features curious travel destinations and hidden gems. Discover off-the-beaten-path places to visit and cool things to do around the world.

The BackStory

Travels and Curiosities was launched by Elaine Skylar Neal in 2019. I’m Elaine! Hi there! Thanks for checking out my website.

I launched Travels and Curiosities as a way to explore my combined passions of photography, storytelling, and travel.

I love to discover off-beat, unusual travel destinations and share them with others.

Prior to this, I spent 18 years working as a photojournalist for newspapers across the US.

In addition to publishing Travels and Curiosities, I design Squarespace Websites for clients from around the world, and I help establish and improve organic rankings for these websites with keyword-researched SEO strategies.

What type of content is featured here?

Travels and Curiosities features unique and off-beat travel destinations and hidden gems, including unusual roadside attractions, strange museums, unique hiking trails, and other curiosities from around the world.

We also feature brands and products that align with our core content and policies.

If you’d like to have your travel work or brand featured on our website, check out our collaboration opportunities and submission guidelines.

135k Google Impressions Per Month

1500+ Instagram followers

108k Monthly views on Pinterest